No one really expected Mr. Obama to clean up his act and behave responsibly in the waning days of his administration, did they? After all, he’s managed to stay in power in spite of refusing to enforce immigration laws, as well as encouraging election fraud and getting his Justice (sic) Department to cover for Hillary.
And those abominations only related to small segments of his scope of responsibilities. Going into the other ways he has been derelict in his responsibilities as president would take too long, and frankly, be too depressing to detail here.
Immigration has been a special interest of this president, and he has aggressive corrupted the enforcement of the laws governing this area of his responsibility.
His latest outrage against the rule of law is on page two.
ONE QUESTION – WHY ISN’T THIS MUSLIM TRAITOR IN JAIL?? You know own- treason, using his presidential power to circumvent OUR LAWS, using taxpayer money to allow massive Muslim immigration. One example!! Research Dearborn, Michigan. They have taken over the nicest neighborhoods with the high-end homes, they’ve taken over ALL the stores & businesses, and their KIDS ARE driving.HIGH-END luxury cars. Soooo…if they don’t have JOBS like most Americans who BOTH have to WORK and still struggle to make ends meet, then HOW are these brain-washed religious zealots PAYING GET FOR ALL THAT?? I’m guessing WE ARE PAYING FOR ALL THAT!!!!
Records for last 8 years need to be reviewed. Deportation
revoke them
Omuslim loves criminals.
Heather Rice you hit the nail on the head and are so right……proving Barry is Barry should be easy enough….hell he used a dead person’ SS# for years…what’s up with that?????…..he is not even a citizen of the US ….how did he get away with that???????
Its about jail time.
criminal administration
Criminal acts by Democrap peeps, prosecute all involved!