No one really expected Mr. Obama to clean up his act and behave responsibly in the waning days of his administration, did they? After all, he’s managed to stay in power in spite of refusing to enforce immigration laws, as well as encouraging election fraud and getting his Justice (sic) Department to cover for Hillary.
And those abominations only related to small segments of his scope of responsibilities. Going into the other ways he has been derelict in his responsibilities as president would take too long, and frankly, be too depressing to detail here.
Immigration has been a special interest of this president, and he has aggressive corrupted the enforcement of the laws governing this area of his responsibility.
His latest outrage against the rule of law is on page two.
Why? What is going on with them. They want to do anything to weaken or go against our laws and Constitution.
Jailem all involved
Just like Obama come on January
Agree Heather Rice
Dumb and Dumber….
Why would they do something like this? Oh right, Hillary needed votes.
He continues to try to destroy this country. I hope our new AG and DOJ takes a good look at the treason he has committed and get him.
Screw obummer
This wasn’t done due to an accident, or, even incompetence… was done with full intent to disrupt and destroy! Such childish games this poor little community organizer from Chicago can play! He needs to be in prison!