When Obamacare was signed into law in 2010 after being rammed through Congress, a lot of promises were made and subsequently broken. We all know how the “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” bit turned out to be a complete lie.
We were also promised that insurance premiums would go down; To be kind we’ll call that a half-truth. Obamacare did introduce some lower-cost options in their state-run exchanges, but the new law made private insurance accounts even more expensive than they already were.
This forced many people and employers into going to the government exchanges out of financial necessity. People got plans that were worse than what they had because that was all they could afford. This, of course, is the goal of all liberal governments. Force people out of private enterprise programs that they prefer into those run inefficiently by Uncle Sam.
Now it appears that the administration is prepared to take the same tack in regard to your retirement savings accounts. To read how the Obama administration plans to force citizens out of their private accounts and into government ones, continue reading on the next page:
Which isn’t theirs to touch! But, neither was the Social Security funds they’ve hit over and over! …who knows what all else…
He will take it and keep it for himself, and congress won’t say a word, just like the last 4 yrs or so !
Between Killary and Obama money is their God and he is the devil
The price you pay for being a libersl
You know my husband always received his SS on the 9th of each month. But the last 90 days it’s been coming on the 13 th so he called to ask why because we make our house payment with that check and we could get it to the bank before it was late, now we can’t . The person on the phone said” that’s when it’s going to come” my husband tried to tell him it wasn’t originally that date he said it is now!
I think this is a little weird don’t you?
Only if you let them
Hand us the guns or no income
impeach and jail this treasonous$#%&!@*
What doesn’t this$#%&!@*head want to control ! That would be a very short list.
At some point we as a people will have to stand and fight for what is ours . Sometimes it,s better done sooner than later .