The Obama administration is making sure you buy into Obamacare, whether you like it or not, and they’re threatening your wallet if you don’t.
Obama and his people have tried for years to convince Americans that their unpopular healthcare reform plan is worth purchasing, but many seem unimpressed, and continue to resist purchasing a plan through the nation’s healthcare exchange. Now those people will face hefty fines for their refusal to join the president’s national takeover of the U.S. healthcare system.
The price for refusing to step in line with the president’s plan? Nearly a thousand dollars a year.
If Obamacare is the attractive program the administration claims it is, its odd that they must threaten non-purchasers with such a hefty fine to convince them to join the program.
To see CNBC’s report on the incredible rate hike, continue on to the next page:
Watch THRIVE free on youtube. We can have a better world. Wake up, and THRIVE!
If people can’t afford to buy obamacare, Now tell me how is this helping the poor people that has to pay 1000’s in fines. Doctors are beginning to not take patients here.
Don’t buy
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I messed up open enrollment at my new job last January and missed out but can’t afford the “affordable” health care in the “marketplace” because I needed to help my mom keep her house since she can’t find a job in this great economic recovery were having. So I’m gonna have to pay in another 2% of my income for this year for not having enough money
The only reason unemployment numbers fell is because of just that…they’re numbers. When you pick and choose who to exclude in those numbers, like people no longer receiving unemployment or the number of jobs cut to part time work, then it’s not that hard to make those numbers look good.
I like the idea. The only problem is our federal government has so much money and influence a single person can’t take them on. They will will simply drag it out and make it impossible to afford the legal costs involved. What we need is an organization that takes donations to pay lawyers to fight these battles.
Can’t believe he isn’t dead yet
Isn’t the truth?