Online companies, such as POGO, which seeks to allow whistleblowers to submit information with encryption in order to skirt NSA survellience are being hit with subpoenas to ‘turn over their data’.
POGO, for example, is an online submission tool that was immediately launched after the VA scandal broke -to date it has received over 700 tips of abuse and mismanagement in the VA. It has since been hit with a subpoena by the VA Inspector General to turn over whatever incriminating data it has against the VA.
POGO has refused and has stated that they are prepared to go to jail rather than comply.
On Monday, POGO told the Obama administration that it would not comply with the subpoena. Most government agencies have such subpoena powers, and they have been doled out hundreds of thousands of times, all with the signature of federal officials as no judge is required. The subpoenas demand that utilities, ISPs, telecommunication companies, banks, hospitals, and bookstores cough up information if the authorities deem it relevant to an investigation.
If the VA doesn’t drop its subpoena, POGO said it would never turn the data over, even if ordered to by a judge.
“We are certainly prepared to go to court,” Newman said. “We are certainly prepared to go to jail to prevent any of that information from being released.”
Counterintuitively, this is really good news. It exposes the complete and total fear of those in power of any sort of transparency. Moreover, the fact that people are willing to go to jail to defend the Constitution is a sign that true dissent is rising and fear of repercussions becoming less important.
A fearless and committed population cannot lose.
In a related story, Microsoft, of all companies, is pushing back against federal prosecutors’ request for data stored in an overseas data center. What is so incredible about this is that Microsoft has been seen as one of the biggest government lapdogs of all the large U.S. technology companies. Let’s not forget that the company was the first participant in the NSA’s prism program. They joined on 9/11/07.
From the New York Times:
Microsoft is challenging the authority of federal prosecutors to force the giant technology company to hand over a customer’s email stored in a data center in Ireland.
The objection is believed to be the first time a corporation has challenged a domestic search warrant seeking digital information overseas. The case has attracted the concern of privacy groups and major United States technology companies, which are already under pressure from foreign governments worried that the personal data of their citizens is not adequately protected in the data centers of American companies.
take care of our veterans. that is your job
I’ve got a lot of comments for the NSA ! Get out of American lives ! obomber has his satanic muslim brotherHOODs minions infiltrated in every part of our government and military ! Come get some lead I’m always locked and loaded ! P.S. my hollow points aren’t so hollow now that they’ve been filled with pigs blood & sealed in with bacon fat !
it is your fault Va
Horrific This is what he does best!!!!WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
Sounds like the Nazi treatment!
They could do what Lois L did and lose all their E-mail
They could claim their system crashed & they lost all their e-mail (like Joan indicated) but watch and see how quickly they are retrieved off the server.
It’s time my fellow patriots… When our warriors who fought for freedom and honor can no longer defend themselves due to injuries that accorded on the battlefield it’s up to we the people to protect our protectors who gave all for us… Don’t let there suffering be not in vain… They deserve better then that….
What we need in The United States of America is a bill called the Treason Act. It would be used to control our politicians and political parties. It would define what treason is and would have to be signed by the politicians before they could hold any position in office. It should have the definition of treason and also the penalties. The penalties should not be limited to death. It should include all the money that the treasonous person including their family and extended family members have acquired in their lifetime in this country or any other country, including any and all properties such as stocks, bonds, corporations and any financial holdings. The definition of treason should include noncompliance of the Constitution, anything that hurts any citizen who is unable to take care of themselves due to age or sickness. I’m sure that if this bill was created to control and make our politicians accountable we would have a better country. This is just an idea to help make this country better. I’m sure that there are many other American citizens who could add even more to this. It would be used to protect all American citizens from corrupt, immoral politicians who take money or gratuities from corporations, private individuals and or other governments. This should be a requirement for all elected politicians only. If you have any ideas or thoughts pass this on or add to it. Thank you. I Just Added This to the above bill, this would also apply to political parties, if a political party is found to have views that are not consistent with the Constitution. The Bill of Rights. In the Declaration of Independence, they will be disbanded, and would not be allowed to participate in the election process ever, it would take a two thirds vote from the House of Representatives Senate and the Congress to apply these penalties, also by signing this document all politicians, agree that no one will serve, in the Senate, in Congress, or the Supreme Court, or any judgeship, for more than eight years,