Not content with scrubbing his administration of any and all references to Islamic terrorism, President Obama has stooped to scrubbing foreign leaders’ remarks of them.
Meeting with French President Francois Hollande to discuss the terror threat facing both our nations, Obama spoke of the obvious need to address it and stop the forces of ISIS and other groups like it. While his comments were unremarkable, it was Hollande’s comments – or rather, the translations of his comments – that raised controversy.
Although official White House transcripts show Hollande made explicit reference to “Islamist terrorism,” the audio in the video contains nothing of the sort. In fact, the two sentences where the reference is made are nowhere to be heard in the video.
The only explanation for this serious discrepancy is that Obama felt uncomfortable with the leader of one of our main allies identifying the nature of our enemies and decided to have the “offending” material removed.
See the video on the next page:
Obama is a disgrace to our Nation!
BHO is setting us up for the wolves! When are people going to understand his goal is and always has been to destroy AMERICA as we know and love it! He wants to turn OUR COUNTRY, not his, into some leftist, liberal, evil perversion of what it was! He wants the hard working, tax paying people to support his WASTE OF LIFE, LAZY, FAT, ILLITERATE, UNEDUCATED, RACIST, POS followers!
We had a movie star who ran for President! People said he would never make a good President! He’s just a movie Star! Ronald Reagan was his name! And he loved America! We have a business man and he ‘s done very good in his business. No he’s not a career Politician? But he does love America just as the Reagan did. We gave Reagan a chance and we had a good America! And if you give Donald J. Trump a chance he’ll make us good again! Obama’s, Clinton’s has been running our Country and look where we are!? We have a black, Muslim, Racist that’s not from our country running America into the ground! No one in congress is doing anything about it! Obama want the Clinton, Bernie or even Cruz to come in and take over after he leave’s! So thing will get worse then they are right now! They will get worse! So we took a chance with Reagan why not take a chance with Trump and make America great again! Unless you like how it’s being run today? And remember they will bring in 65,000 Illegal’s a year and we will pay for them! The Muslim want our Country too! I want a change! I’m going to take the chance and vote for Donald Trump For President! He just might be our next Ronald Reagan that we loved so much.
If you accept the premise that obama hates America, and hates Americans, then everything he has said, and done, and everything he has not said and not done, makes perfect sense. To better understand the origin of his beliefs, and their foundation, read, in his own words, obama’s books, “Dreams From My Father” and “Audacity of Hope”. Then look at what he has done in light of what he has said. barack obama is also a follower of, and a believer in Saul Alinsky, a communist community organizer who wrote a book titled “Rules for Radicals”. Read/examine these publications, then tell me you can honestly believe barack obama has America’s interests in his mind, let alone in his heart. More directly he is doing exactly what he stated 5 days before he was elected for his first term as president – his promise that “we are 5 days from fundamentally transforming America”. barack obama is the greatest threat this country has ever faced. That he was elected at all is one thing, but that the American people have tolerated repeated insult, injury, and acts of lawlessness without objection from this man, yet elect him for a second term says far more about us than it does about him.
Call a spade a spade
cannot wait until that moron is out of office
Our Islam in chief doesn’t like to hear bad things about his people.
Like a small child not getting his own way. You talk like I want you to or no one will hear your exact words. I will change them to the way I want.