A black conservative teen, C.J. Pearson, was blocked by President Obama’s official Twitter account for criticizing the Clock Bomb Boy incident. Heaping it on, the White House officials then saw fit to mock the 13-year-old activist. See the video of this continued Obama pettiness on the next page:
Obama can’t handle a13 year old when he 3
Go get um son
They don’t like it when someone is smarter than they are.
a sick and weak and sick man, who attacks children, betrays our friend Israel, ignores the crys of christians being butchered, befriends our enemy iran, mocks God and his word. . . May God help us. This is what happens when evil lazy people without understanding or a love for rightousness have the write to vote
‘Truth hurts.
You should go to jail!
Tamara Mandell-Rudnicki
به نام عشق وخالق عشق .ظهور ملکوتی وجهان نما وجهان شمول یگانه منجی عالم بشریت اقا وسرور نظام هستی وعالم وجود خورشید کعبه دلهای پاک وعاشق کوروش خان کبیر معروف به عیسی مسیح وپهلوان اعراب علی مرتضی وشاعر شعرا حافظ شیراز وپرزدنت ایالات متحده امریکا ابراهام لینکلن وجان اف کندی و مخترع AAوNA بیل ویلسون برتمام عاشقان ومشتاقان دل شکسته ومنتظران ظهور ومظلومین کره خاکی مبارک وخرسنده باد .با تقدیم عشق وبهترینها (کوروش کبیر)
Another evil action by the Obama administration
Black POS Muzzie!!!