A black conservative teen, C.J. Pearson, was blocked by President Obama’s official Twitter account for criticizing the Clock Bomb Boy incident. Heaping it on, the White House officials then saw fit to mock the 13-year-old activist. See the video of this continued Obama pettiness on the next page:
C.J. Pearson is one hell of a smart young man.
Lol at all the Obama attacks because the kid made it up. That’s been found out already. But I honestly don’t expect you all to know that, considering how you LOVE to be fed lies from Faux “News” and your politicians. The gullibility of the right is laughable. You believe a 13-year-old with a Twitter page, and you think Trump is a viable candidate for the leader of the free world. Your views and party are a joke, and so are you. ✌️.
If you betray your oath to America you should be jailed in America.
Obimbo can’t take it when thirteen years can see through y’all, ,,,,when that happens it’s time quite, ,,,y’all are worthless! !!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness I am sick and tired of him. Isn’t his term up yet? Let’s fast forward to the day he leaves the White House for the last time.
Obummer can’t take criticism.period!
Like Bush charging veterans to have him speak at a function..sad.
If you had made a “clock” you would have been invited to the WH
Funny he can’t call this kid a racist, he parents did a good job
It has to be embarassing when even a young black man has figured you out, and you thought Trayvon would have looked like your son if you had one well why isnt this young man also that unfortunate.