A black conservative teen, C.J. Pearson, was blocked by President Obama’s official Twitter account for criticizing the Clock Bomb Boy incident. Heaping it on, the White House officials then saw fit to mock the 13-year-old activist. See the video of this continued Obama pettiness on the next page:
You go Kid!
Petty & small.
Obviously, very mature. LOL
Shows what a scum bag Obummer is.
Except this isn’t true and has been proven to be a f**e on the part of this little conservative pawn.
obama is a p—head. He couldn’t talk to the boy like an adult. The boy is 13 and obama is acting like a 5yr.old BRAT.
He always pouts and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.
Shows the nature of his character. Truly a sick man.