A black conservative teen, C.J. Pearson, was blocked by President Obama’s official Twitter account for criticizing the Clock Bomb Boy incident. Heaping it on, the White House officials then saw fit to mock the 13-year-old activist. See the video of this continued Obama pettiness on the next page:
No he would be more for a Muslim than a teenage boy.
Expect no less from a immature street punk.
Another right-wing lie. You guys just won’t quit. Well, get your Hillary lies warmed up. You’re going to have 8 years to tell them, too.
Except it didn’t happen.
Do you hayseeds ever get tired of always being wrong?
Praise this young man !
No Surprises.
Not mature at all as adult. The teen is more of an adult Obama &adminstration.
Obama doesn’t want to hear the truth. I do support and stand beside the 13 year old. Obama and his flunkies have destroyed this country long enough….and its time to stand beside this 13 year old and TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK