The Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are all sexist, according to a course approved by the Defense Department.
In yet another assault on the fabric of our nation, these foundational documents are to blame for “historical influences that allow sexism to continue,” as stated in a presentation by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Department of Defense school out of Florida.
These wild interpretations are really jaw-dropping!
Check out the details and skewed logic of the ‘Sexism Course’ and ‘Discrimination Course,’ at thelink:
F**e news
If Obama and his Administration believe that the Bible/Constitution/DoI are sexist… then I wish they’d PLEASE explain the Koran (which they appear to adore). As to the Constitution & DoI, most SWORE an oath to uphold it. They should be brought up on charges of violating said oath.
Please…Spare me. The pile is high enough!
More Liberal b******t to get people riled up. You Dems are just being pathetic at this point
Propaganda for uneducated hillbillies.
which bible is he talking about? Not ours! Must be muslim bible..
the first thing congress should have done was IMPEACH OBAMA
Shouldn’t you be packing?
It all ends in 7 days
gives you an inkling of how rotten america would be after 8 years of Hillary.