The Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are all sexist, according to a course approved by the Defense Department.
In yet another assault on the fabric of our nation, these foundational documents are to blame for “historical influences that allow sexism to continue,” as stated in a presentation by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Department of Defense school out of Florida.
These wild interpretations are really jaw-dropping!
Check out the details and skewed logic of the ‘Sexism Course’ and ‘Discrimination Course,’ at thelink:
Calling God sexist… lol
F**k them!
8 more days……….
funny, I see no mention of the Koran
the spirit of Anti-Christ abounds
And some people wonder what’s wrong with liberal Democrats!
But it is not sexist for the Los Angeles School District to take GIRLS ONLY to see the movie “Hidden Figures” on school time?
It will be great to see real Americans in these pictrues soon.
This dude aint stupid, he relies on the people that are stupid.