The Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are all sexist, according to a course approved by the Defense Department.
In yet another assault on the fabric of our nation, these foundational documents are to blame for “historical influences that allow sexism to continue,” as stated in a presentation by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Department of Defense school out of Florida.
These wild interpretations are really jaw-dropping!
Check out the details and skewed logic of the ‘Sexism Course’ and ‘Discrimination Course,’ at thelink:
Does this idiot have any brain cells?
How come he does not mention the koran?
Ten more days.
Mark Uplinger Careful what you wish for
Why don’t republicans ever try to clean up their own house before trying to clean up someone else’s?
Wants to do away with all of them.
He standing there making the statements is of no significant s! Those willing to stand behind him is sad and gutless. Have no principles or morals. A paycheck is more important than their beliefs.
What has this head clown done to fix his alleged hometown? NOTHING!
Gen Odierno is on his six thinking, “Man, he has a chicken neck!” Hahaha.
This F just will not give up until he’s forced out.