The Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are all sexist, according to a course approved by the Defense Department.
In yet another assault on the fabric of our nation, these foundational documents are to blame for “historical influences that allow sexism to continue,” as stated in a presentation by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Department of Defense school out of Florida.
These wild interpretations are really jaw-dropping!
Check out the details and skewed logic of the ‘Sexism Course’ and ‘Discrimination Course,’ at thelink:
We don’t care about your opinion . Geez get over your big head!
His place in hell i think is gonna very hot
Okay, I’m tired of these irresponsible headlines and inflammatory stories. You have lost the privilege of being in my feed.$#%&!@*off.
And Obama is an immoral left wing racist.
you odumbo are sexist racist hipocrite deplorable schmuck
they are all American you POS traitor
these are the things America is built on deal with it
Take a good look at this man. He is the enemy of the country.
Quit reading in too things…..quit being so politically correct…quit being dead right
Yes indeed