We all knew that Obama was big on increasing the scope and power of government and the federal executive, in particular, but a new study actually proves that he’s more of a statist than any other U.S. president in history.
After cataloging the accumulation of restrictions and regulations under presidents from Carter to Obama, it was found that Obama was the winner when it came to adding more regulations.
Can’t make myself hit “like” when I see a picture of him.
Again another misleading article. The president cannot add regulations as Mr. Rojas pointed out. The president can issue executive orders. However, executive orders can be a pain and costly. When I worked in federal government I would change or add regulations based on executives orders.
The Black $#%&!@* destroying this country.
You are right James! We just need a new President with spine that will cancel everything Obama put in place to cripple us.
Go now!!!
It’s for our safety people….
He wants to be the one to control that government.
thats ok Trump will make it right
He needs to regulate some nuts in his mouth.