We all knew that Obama was big on increasing the scope and power of government and the federal executive, in particular, but a new study actually proves that he’s more of a statist than any other U.S. president in history.
After cataloging the accumulation of restrictions and regulations under presidents from Carter to Obama, it was found that Obama was the winner when it came to adding more regulations.
Give Criminals MO FREE STUFF ! O$#%&!@*a
He is taking notes from Brown of California,They were separated at birth.
where is the Congress? What are they doing? Nothing it seems…
Destroying America from within.
sure he wants to make sure he destroys America before something happens to him
All of them should be filed in “13”!
It will take a year to undo all his bull c**p.
The president can’t “add” regulations. Any “regulations” have to go through the same process all others do. The president can make executive orders, this president has made far fewer than W.
That is what was needed to change a Free Country into a Socialist Country, That was what He meant By The Change that He could Believe in!