We all knew that Obama was big on increasing the scope and power of government and the federal executive, in particular, but a new study actually proves that he’s more of a statist than any other U.S. president in history.
After cataloging the accumulation of restrictions and regulations under presidents from Carter to Obama, it was found that Obama was the winner when it came to adding more regulations.
Again, he is desperate for a legacy, no matter what it may be.
to takeover the usa
Yeah muslims don’t want freedom!
Hello Patsy , How Are You Doing , Your Look Cute , And Will Love Too Chat Some More With You If You Don,t Mind Add Me Up Dear …. Thanks
Hello Charleen , How Are You Doing , Your Look Cute , And Will Love Too Chat Some More With You If You Don,t Mind Add Me Up Dear …. Thanks
Hello Shirley , How Are You Doing , Your Look Cute , And Will Love Too Chat Some More With You If You Don,t Mind Add Me Up Dear …. Thanks
america this is our fault because of the fools that voted for him.i laugh reading the trash on facebook.people write see how pretty i look,see my filthy c**p and all kinds of things that njo one cares about.and they stick their heads in the sand and dont look at whats going on in our own country.america dont you care about your freedom.you cant hid from whats going on it wont just go away.or do we just have a nation of cowards and air heads.keep ignoring it and you wont have any freedoms american.what did your forefathers fight and die for.so lou can give it all away.i am sorry but i am a proud american and i says its time for america to stand up and take our freedom and our country back.do we have any other americans with guts or are you all cowards.it time to stand up stand together and make america a proud nation again.we used to be called the home of the brave we can be again if americand are willing to stand again.
Because he thinks he is so special
Tell congress to do their job!