We all knew that Obama was big on increasing the scope and power of government and the federal executive, in particular, but a new study actually proves that he’s more of a statist than any other U.S. president in history.
After cataloging the accumulation of restrictions and regulations under presidents from Carter to Obama, it was found that Obama was the winner when it came to adding more regulations.
أمضى ياشول
so true
It’s all illegal. Every agency under this reprobate has broken the law. And no one is doing anything. Yet.
More laws for us while he breaks every law in the books without remorse
I’m gonna need you to take your anti American regulations and shove them wayyyy up your $#%&!@* way up there
he is the lawless one from prophecy…
Treason for obumba. Treason. Take back our country.
Dem/Libs LOVE their Regulations! Strange from a movement that got it’s start looking for Freedom from the Establishment!
Wow, more job crippling regulations!! I really can’t take his “green” effort serious. Especially when you look at the automotive line up of the big three. They’re still making navigators, suburbans etc…. This is just a look at me presentation for the world to see. Once again targeting jobs in conservative areas of the country!!!!