CNS news reported on a Democratic gathering in Beverly Hills where Obama told a crowd, “I don’t need a poll to tell me that’s the right thing to do. I don’t need a headline to tell me that that vindicates a core value that I believe in and that we, as Americans, should believe in. That’s a fight worth fighting. I’m proud that we fought it. And we’re going to keep on fighting it.“ This was regarding the Obama Care Program, one out of a list of eye-rolling “accomplishments“ Obama has made. Well, Mr. President, leaders who do not need public opinion, and “keep on fighting it“, at that, are usually referred to as tyrants.
The worst part of it all was how Obama kicked off his rant, boasting,“we have accomplished as much, if not more, than any time in our history,“ referring to his time in office.
Tsk-tsk Mr. President seems like America has a longer list of ways you furthered the destruction of such a beloved country.
Check it out on page 2.
What a dickhead
Just because he says it does not make it so. He lies, used faults information and statistics. He is an evil person, arrogant to the highest degree, a true narcissistic individual.
yep, you have accomplished your agenda very well.
this dude is full of s**t
You are all liars and morons that think that! The Bush crime family have been lieing to all you Republicans! They have been using mind control on all of you! Check out Bush Family Values, Funeralgate, the Monarch Project,Skull and Bones, Concentration camps im America. That is if you aren’t afraid to read it all.
And what a beautiful mess up
And your b******t must go! Trump will undo it all day 1.
you have only taken up space with not one accomplishment
In two words of free speech….$#%&!@*OFF
Why anyone is questioning this? He’s increasing foreign expense and “personally reliability” on our nation for foreign disease. They don’t like it well then start immunization of the populous