The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that a nuclear agreement with Iran had been finalized. In looking at this deal it’s quite easy to see where our President loyalties truly lay.
Despite the continued ‘death to America’ cries coming out of Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, Obama has bent over backwards, and forwards, to give the mullahs everything they could ever have wanted. And the world is much more dangerous for it.
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Jerk #1 and Jerk #2
Bish and Cheney first
Bush and Cheney first
How does a deal which prevents Iran from ever getting nuclear weapons starting an arms race? There are already 6 nuclear armed nations surrounding it: India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Nuclear Race is on again .
Exactly !
Impeach him now
Are you on drugs??? Congress has blocked everything Obama has tried to p$#%&!@*! Turn the Channel you moron…Fox has warped your brain.