The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that a nuclear agreement with Iran had been finalized. In looking at this deal it’s quite easy to see where our President loyalties truly lay.
Despite the continued ‘death to America’ cries coming out of Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, Obama has bent over backwards, and forwards, to give the mullahs everything they could ever have wanted. And the world is much more dangerous for it.
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The Media
In 1926, David Sarnoff, also Jewish, launches the first United States radio chain as a service of RCA. Sarnoff will go on to be heavily involved in the development of color television and build NBC into one of the big three TV networks. In 1928, William S. Paley, who is Jewish, founds CBS radio and goes on to build it into a multi-billion-dollar empire. On February 18th, 1943, Leonard Goldenson founds the ABC television network and, as President, oversees its success.
Topics for this control of the press are, typically, but not limited to: death, weather, sports, sex, scandal, drivel (stupid talk), gambling, and perversion. The global plantation.
Six Jewish companies control 96% of the world’s media. Do your homework.
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You will note two characteristics in ALL police brutality cases: 1.) Every police officer is relatively new to the force or is recently out of the military, if not a member of a reserve military unit or outright retired. 2.) Nearly all of the brutality cases keep occurring within the same six (6) States. So, it’s easy to see this administration’s plan in concert with the six (6) corporations which control 90% of the media. Local police constables are no good. Therefore, we need a national police in place to usher in the next step: martial law. Please copy and ensure the widest distribution of this writing.
Hate Speech
1988: The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) initiate a nationwide compe$#%&!@*ion for law students to draft anti-hate legislation designed to protect minority groups. The compe$#%&!@*ion is won by a man named Joseph Ribakoff, whose proposals stipulate that not only must hate motivated violence be banned, but any words which stimulate: su$#%&!@*ion; friction; hate; and possible violence, must also be criminalized.
This ADL prize-winning paper suggests that not only should state-agencies monitor and restrict free speech in general, but they should also censor all films which criticize identifiable groups. Furthermore, even if the person making the statement can justify it, for example, Christians criticizing $#%&!@*sexuality because the Bible expressly forbids it, Ribakoff $#%&!@*erts that the truth is no be no defence in court.
The only proof which a court will need in order to secure a conviction of hate speech is that something has been said, and a minority group or member of such a group has felt emotionally damaged as a result of such criticism. Therefore, under these proposals which the ADL will have forced into law less than 15 years later, through their bought and paid for politicians and media, Jesus Christ would have been arrested as a hate criminal.
This law is designed to protect the Rothschild conspiracy from being revealed in that if you criticize the Rothschilds’ criminal cabal, you will be targeted as anti-Semitic, and thus, risk imprisonment. It is also interesting to note that say, for example, a Rabbi torches his synagogue to collect insurance money because it is in need of repair, as opposed to someone else perpetrating the crime who was found to have an interest in anti-establishment media, the latter would receive a stiffer sentence for the same act.
I hope Israel sends a warrant for obamas arrest.
They already have what they need so why not make a deal late
Amazing how 70% of the Jewish population voted for Obamarama.they are getting what they voted for.
Not good for America or freedom.. Bad Idea.. Say no to this foolishness.
Please The President
The United States of America
The President Barack Obama.
Please admit this policy.
Please allow this policy.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
“ The United States of America , should have praise and admire , in this fame also , the great country can make the world is same the sun. “
( Auxiliary Verb is “ can ”. The meaning is able. )
The world is same the sun. as follows
1 The United States of America , This great country is very high civilization of the world. The history of The United States of America , since the end period of the World War 2. The United States of America succeeds the Nuclear-Fission . It is the first country of the world . The true , The United States of America is the owner all of the world. Because this great country has high power. But The United States of America is very high civilization . This great country gives independent for the world.
For example:
Chinggis Khaan ,
Alexander III of Macedon or Alexander the Great ,
Napoléon Bonaparte ,
Adolf $#%&!@*
And other leaders , etc.
The leaders want to owner of world resource. But The United States of America history , after World War 2 that is owner of this world actually TRUE . This great country do not want to owner of world resource. And then should have admire and praise , forever of world history , that each be independent .
But , If the country is not good, The bad leaders want to owner another countries.
First , the bad country bombards 5 Nuclear-Fission . And The bad country prepares many Nuclear-Fission bombs .
Second , Another countries must under control forever.
Such as the leaders of world history: Chinggis Khaan , Alexander III of Macedon , Napoléon Bonaparte , Adolf $#%&!@* , etc.
But The United States of America doesn’t do it. And then should have admire and praise , forever of world history , The United States of America is actually the owner of the world ( since the end WW 2 ) . Such as The great country gives independence and freedom for the world.
Note: Please see details by Personal Computer ( PC ) .
You can know perfect information. example
The gold bars of Japan during World War 2 in Thailand. as follows
2 During 5 Feb. 2011 – 4 May.2011
Thailand and Cambodia had mistake.
The President of The United States of America.
And the policy of this country of which is very high civilization of the world.
The President Barack Obama.
He is The President of The United State of America.
Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She is The United States Secretary of State.
Amb$#%&!@*ador Kristie Kenney
She is Amb$#%&!@*ador of The United State of America.(Bangkok, Thailand).
The United State of America sent USS Ronald Reagan ( CVN 76 ).
USS Ronald Reagan ( CVN 76 ) is immense aircraft carrier. It has about 5000 Marines , Aircraft F-22 and other Aircraft about 85 airplane . USS Ronald Reagan ( CVN 76 ) port of Phuket-Province in Thailand. On 1 – 4 May 2011, after the mission. Help victims of the Tsunami.Japan ( the earthquake ).
Help victims of the Tsunami.Japan ( the earthquake ).
Help victims of the Tsunami.Japan ( the earthquake ).
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is a Nimitz-cl$#%&!@* nuclear-powered supercarrierin the service of the United States Navy. The ninth ship of her cl$#%&!@*, She is named in honor of former President Ronald Reagan, President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Upon her christening in 2001, she was the first ship to be named for a former president still living at the time.
Because USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is immense, gigantic cost. It is for heal the peacefulness of world community. So many submarines protect extreme security.
For many submarines: oil value , depreciation cost , resource human value etc. The cost is how much. Besides they stand by at submarines very long time. They look around normal to see the iron and very short time to see the sky . So that many marines should have praise and admire such as many victors .
You are never stand by alone.
You are never stand by alone.
You are never stand by alone.
Note: 1 – 4 May.2011
USS Ronald Reagan ( CVN 76 ) port of Phuket-Province in Thailand. So that The problem between Thailand and Cambodia had mistake.
It is immediate stop.
1 The conclusion , United Nations
2 The President Barack Obama.
He is The President of The United State of America.
3 Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She is The United States Secretary of State.
4 Amb$#%&!@*ador Kristie Kenney
She is Amb$#%&!@*ador of The United State of America.(Bangkok, Thailand).
The borderland problem of Thailand and Cambodia , request use the way negotiates.
The United States of America is very justice. no find the benefit from both countries. The President Barack Obama , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Amb$#%&!@*ador Kristie Kenney have an audience, meet of the king of Thailand.
The people of Thailand and Thailand , love and admire , The United States of America very much , as follows.
The people of Thailand and Thailand , love and admire , The United States of America very much.
The people of Thailand and Thailand , love and admire , The United States of America very much.
ข้าพเจ้า นายสมชัย ทรัพย์ชวโรจน์
Both of these pukes should be in prison, do they really think that the American people, (not SHEEPLE), stand proud of them? What a couple of delusional $#%&!@*stains……
This is the very reason we need Trump as our president.