Ranchers Occupy Vacant Fed Facility, May Pay with Lives
The situation is especially curious because the father and son ranchers in question have actually agreed report to prison, even though they previously served time for the “arson”. A federal judge decided that their sentence was not long enough, and so he demanded they return to do at least three more years each. That has little to do with the supposed crime, and everything to do with showing the public that the feds are in charge and will broach no dissent, even if it violates the Constitution.
The two ranchers are gone, but the protesters are still there, and the military has shown in the past at Ruby Ridge and Waco that they are willing to kill those that would stand up to their government task masters.
Oath Keepers has received very credible information from an active duty source within the special operations community that at least one SOD-X (Reserve/National Guard Special Operations Detachment, see this, this, andthis) unit under the command of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) has been tasked for this standoff at the Malheur Wildlife Reserve and moved to the area. That source contacted one of our long-time members who is a retired Special Forces 1st Sgt (who has known the source for over twenty years).
Now, of course, just because such a unit has been sent to the area for possible action does not mean it will be used. It may not (so please don’t accuse us of making that claim). But we DO NOT trust the Obama Administration to do this right, which would be to handle this situation like the Montana Freeman standoff rather than like the Waco standoff. Anyone who thinks that Obama wouldn’t dare drop the hammer on Ammon and his men (whether by using a military commando unit, or the infamous FBI HRT, which was present at both Ruby Ridge and Waco), is a fool. As was reported in the Washington Times after the Bundy Ranch standoff ended, the Obama Administration did consider the use of military force during that standoff. Fortunately, they decided against it, but that doesn’t mean cooler heads will prevail this time around. And once again, leftists are frothing at the mouth and demanding blood. For example, Montel Williams says he is “Totally fine with a massive use of deadly force in Oregon to take out Ammon Bundy” and also said “I’m calling on Govt to end terrorist siege perpetrated by a bunch of hillbilly American Taliban.”
The U.S. government has used military rules of engagement and overwhelming force twice in recent history, with horrific results, and we don’t put anything past this Administration. At Ruby Ridge, the result was a dead fifteen year old boy, shot in the back by U.S. Marshalls, and a dead mother (shot in the face by an FBI HRT sniper while holding her baby). At Waco the result was scores of dead women and children, during a military assault using armored vehicles (with Delta Force present and involved, and with local fire-fighters intentionally kept away while the Dividians burned). So please don’t try to say we are crazy for thinking it may be done again here. We do hope “the adults in the room” in the Administration and in the federal LEO and military community will keep that from happening, but hope is not an operational plan.
The suspected agent provocateurs have been identified as the same individuals who were reported to have, on several occasions, attempted to instigate violence against law enforcement and federal agents during the Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada last year.
Founder of the Three Percent movement, Mike Vanderboegh, wrote this regarding provocateurs in the standoff:
I was first apprised of this a few minutes ago by folks on the ground out in Oregon. They report that Payne, Ritzheimer and every other “tiger-talking” fruit, nut and federal provocateur previously identified from the Bundy standoff were now in possession of the building and daring the Feds to do anything about it. My initial reaction was to observe that at least afterward we’ll know who the federal snitches are because they will be the only ones who survive the raid to take back the building. My understanding is that this premeditated action has been condemned by the Oregon Three Percenters and other groups but the fact of the matter is that these people are writing checks that they expect the rest of us to cash in our blood. And the Hammonds themselves are disavowing this action in the strongest terms.
For the regime, this could not come at a better time. The old Roman adage “cui bono” applies here. There is nothing on the talking heads channels as yet, but by Monday, when Obama meets with his Attorney General on the subject of citizen disarmament, you can bet the farm that this will play right into that narrative. Perfect timing. You’ve got to give the federal handlers of these pukes credit. This is precisely the sort of offensive action on the part of the “militia terrorists” that they needed.
Source: OathKeepers
This story is still developing, and we must hope that the protesters will not become cause celeb victims because some bureaucrat wants to make an example of what happens to those who openly oppose the power in Washington.
The “crime” was one of common land clearing that broached property under the purview of the Bureau of Land Management. The ranchers were able to extinguish the blaze without help or government resources, and the land that was burned, owned by both the ranchers and the BLM, is now more productive than ever and less prone to wildfires, due to the brush clearing. The ranchers have already served prison time, and are willing to serve more time. So the issue now is simple trespass as the protesters continue to occupy a vacant federal building that is closed for the winter.
The tough guys in Washington seem to want to exact their pound of flesh from anyone who would question their claimed right, even if unconstitutional, to control huge parts of the West.
This may also become another lever for the administration to question the right of citizens to possess guns. It’s certain that the government is putting into place the mechanism to kill those who oppose them, as they have previously done in other venues. The best that we can say is that the Federal government is out of control and no longer listening to those they purportedly represent.
Source: oathkeepers.org
Wrong fight at the wrong time! It has absolutely no national civilian backing!
LMAO..oathBREAKERS are such a bunch of$#%&!@*assed lying extortionists, NOT ONE spec-op person will share classified intel or orders with them, they are just mouthy assed COWARDS, and I am gouing to keep shouting that to everyone, that the OATHBREAKERS(keepers) ARE FUCKING EXTORTIOONIST COWARDS