Barack Obama’s arrogance has been on stunning display for the last seven years, as he somehow believed that he alone should determine the course of the nation and decide right and wrong like some kind of imperial wizard, without the needing to consult the Congress or the people. The Democrat party and the main stream media sold him as the smartest president ever, without bothering to produce even a smidgen of academic prowess or work product, and it seems that even Obama believes his own press.
Most astonishing is that he has ignored specialists and experts in the various fields of commerce and government, brushing aside their advice or warnings so that foreign policy disasters have been common, though ignored by the press. The same is true with domestic affairs and the economy, and he is the only president to never have a quarter of economic growth above 3% during his entire presidency, a fact that should be shouted from the media rooftops, but that is greeted only with a yawn or less.
Everything the president has done has been informed or driven by political calculation, and a new, and extensive article helps explain why he has been so isolated from reality and good counsel. It is a shocker, but helps show why Obama has been such a failure.
Read more on page 2:
what a dumbass$#%&!@*real loser
So what now? Obama and Kerry to get by with their TREASON?
They “p**s” on Kerry’s feet, and tell him it’s Raining!!
Remember when Bush jr had 3 bases around Iran? Remember liberals screaming at the top of their lungs about how he lied and people died. Then news comes out about 5,000 wmd and liberals said they were old … so its ok he had them ? Remember jr also having a base on the syrian border … and obamas little red line … or Clintons selling secrets to china … or hillary funding arming and training isis members
So you are longing for the days of over 10,000 dwad Americans and the collapse of our economy?
You are an idiot.
What deal?
most reporters are high on themselves and,”yes” quit stupid,
Kerry is just as responsible for the cover-up even though he is a mouth piece for dumbama. All the responsible parties committed treason and must be punished.