New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation”, stating that he seeks total control the flow of information and those who don’t acquiesce “will be punished.”
This is a Marxist takeover. The control of the media, and therefore the mind, is a necessity in a communist state.
New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation” on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those who refuse to play along “will be punished.”
Poynter reports that Risen made the remarks while speaking at Sources and Secrets conference — a meeting of journalism , communication and government professionals held in New York City. The foreign policy reporter, who is currently fighting a fierce court battle with the federal government over his protection of a confidential source, warned that press freedom is under serious attack in today’s America.
In a speech kicking off the conference, Risen claimed that the Obama administration wants to “narrow the field of national security reporting” and “create a path for accepted reporting.” Those who stray from that path, he cautioned, “will be punished.”
we need to get rid of them all
Just like every press in Germany, Russia the press was complicint. They did everything they could to keep the truth away from their citizens. In our case, the press did everything they could to hide the socialist/communist Obama b/c they believed exactly as he did. They sold themselves and us out and for what??? Answer that elite media.
we have had now two stories about the press being pressured to lie for ovomit . how many more have to come out for libturds to see how really bad ovomit really is
Truth and Action, you can make up whatever you want to, but this is just a plain lie!! Rick, calling the president names makes you look so uneducated and ignorant.
Wake up and face facts Mable. Good grief, put the koolaid down and research for yourself . It is not made up. It’s not. Lie. You ARE DELUSIONAL AND A LYING FOOL
You also are the one who looks uneducated and completely ignorant.
And no one will say or do anything about it.
Amazing how stupid supposedly educated people are in this country, re-read “Brave New World,” “Animal Farm,” “1984,” and everything by Mark and Alinsky, as we are there already!!!
Where have you been Mable?? apparently not watching what our government has been doing since king o has taken over washington WAKE UP !