New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation”, stating that he seeks total control the flow of information and those who don’t acquiesce “will be punished.”
This is a Marxist takeover. The control of the media, and therefore the mind, is a necessity in a communist state.
New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation” on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those who refuse to play along “will be punished.”
Poynter reports that Risen made the remarks while speaking at Sources and Secrets conference — a meeting of journalism , communication and government professionals held in New York City. The foreign policy reporter, who is currently fighting a fierce court battle with the federal government over his protection of a confidential source, warned that press freedom is under serious attack in today’s America.
In a speech kicking off the conference, Risen claimed that the Obama administration wants to “narrow the field of national security reporting” and “create a path for accepted reporting.” Those who stray from that path, he cautioned, “will be punished.”
shocked that the article is from the New York Times
what did hitler say???
And yet this page exists. Hmmmmmmmmmm
Obama’s a DICtator wannabe, and he’s pushing the envelope.
Specially the young people are to stupid to care for their country,more worried about Facebook and Twitter, and see how they can freeload
are you $#%&!@*ing nuts ! I never want to see the AMERICAN symble screwed with like it was done hear. who ever is responcable for this should be hung ! Just one VET ‘s view !!!!!!!
Who in their right mind bases fact on Facebook media threads too begin with.
“Oh! Wait! DOJ and DHS just rolled into town unloading and carrying Machine Guns, Kicking in doors arresting men, Raveging Women and loading children into Animal Shelter Kennels bount for FEMA Camps! I was wrong!”. < If your gullible enough believe that I've some fishing camps nobody knows about in the Painted Desert for sale too!
NewYork times <3 <3
fashist jihad
russian army fashist-jihad in USA GOVERMENT