NYT Pulls a CNN and Publishes “Pre-Retractable” Info About Trump Jr. Emails

The New York Times has once again proven that, like CNN, even if you happen to be the oldest, you’re not necessarily the wisest.  Or, for the matter, even the most proficient.  In fact, for both of these news outlets, one could argue that they are some of the worst investigative journalism that has graced newspapers and cable television in decades.

Based mostly on its retraction rate, meaning how often they are “taking back” what they asserted as truth or fact, these news outlets are poorly managed at best and, at worst, insidiously, purposefully, and intellectually dishonest.  That’s saying a lot in a day and age where instantaneous internet fact checking is available at anyone’s fingertips.  If you have a computer, laptop, tablet or even a damned smart phone, you’re plugged into the world’s most powerful informational tool in the history of mankind.  Which begs the question:  What the hell is the problem with the New York Times and CNN when they simply can’t get a story or its facts straight?

The problem may lie in the fact that they are relying too heavily upon “anonymous masked sources” who are willy-nilly handing over information to the outlets in leaked fashion which are 99% opinion and 1% fact.  That could be an issue…I mean if you were handling newspapers from the largest city in the world.  Of course, it could also just be their politics which has completely blinded these Dark Age throwbacks of journalism to the point where Trump tweets trump actual news.

The New York Times reports Monday evening that Donald Trump, Jr. was informed through an email that the information on Hillary Clinton that a Russian lawyer had offered to provide “was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy.”

The email in question “was sent by Rob Goldstone, a publicist and former British tabloid reporter who helped broker the June 2016 meeting” with the Russian lawyer, the Times reports.

Supposedly, the email would have alerted Trump, Jr. to the lawyer’s alleged links to the Kremlin.

Curiously, the Times does not provide the email. Nor has it actually seen the email. Its source: “three people with knowledge of the email.”

This is only the latest effort by the Times to bring down President Donald Trump that relies on documents it has not seen and verified.

Here is yet another example of their fury and blindness.  In an effort to destroy Trump at all costs, the 24/7 attacks must continue until the public becomes so fed up with fake news that it begins to blame Trump for these reports.  They erroneously believe that Trump supporters will suddenly abandon their president if the fake news version of Chinese water torture is turned on full force.  It has not worked in two years, but it appears to be having a somewhat deleterious effect on Independents, whose support for the president has eroded somewhat since his inauguration.

Donald Trump, Jr. has published the emails in their entirety as a sort of preemptive strike against the scurrilous attacks on he and his father.  For the better part of three months, the mainstream fake news media has been attempting to paint all Trump family members as a deviant spy network that has only one goal in mind:  to completely sell out the American people to the Russians for their own personal gain.

What this president and his family have endured without so much as a scratch is demonstrable of their high character and faith in an investigative system that has done its damnedest to catch them in a lie.  It is a teachable moment for others in this mold who intend on running for the Republican ticket in the future as well.  These fake news attacks will never stop as long as Leftists continue to hold the reins of the mainstream media.

(Based on that description, one might reasonably speculate that they are members of the House or Senate Intelligence Committees, rather than FBI or intelligence officials. Congress may be leaking to keep the Russia story going.)

Rob Goldstone, the purported author of the email, is not exactly a highly-placed source, or a reliable one. He is described as “a publicist and former British tabloid reporter,” and his oddball selfies are all over social media.

In the absence of the actual evidence that is central to its accusation, the Times article moves on to filler that recapitulates other parts of the story already reported over the weekend. It notes that Goldstone told the Times that a Russian pop star asked him to arrange the meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. and the Russian lawyer.

If those are the characters through which the Russian government tries to influence foreign elections, the Kremlin suffers from a serious recruitment problem.

And author Joel Pollack couldn’t be more on-target with that final assessment.  If the Russians are relying on pop stars to be their spy network liaisons, there’s pretty much a 100% guarantee that they are not nearly as savvy at infiltrating American election systems as Leftists seem to give them credit for; not to mention that there’s no proof of such interference anyway.

This is another perfect and succinct example of the bias that just drives Conservatives crazy.

Source:  Breitbart

Image: Gage Skidmore



  1. Jake Sherwood

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