After the execution of 2 police officers and a serious lack of support from mayor Bill de Blasio, NYPD has all but told New Yorkers that they can police themselves.
Traffic tickets and summonses for low-level offenses have dropped by staggering 94% and overall arrests by 66%.
Still, the sky has not fallen…
Truth Transcends Color.
“We are all born ignorant, but it takes hard work to remain stupid”. – Ben Franklin.
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
I like these two quotes because referring to human beings based on color i.e. “black, brown, red, yellow and white” possesses both “sincere ignorance” and “conscientious stupidity”. Take out a sheet of paper that is “black, brown, red, yellow or white” and pick the “color you are or suppose to be” and place your hand on that paper and I double that you are really that color. There is no black race, no brown race, no red race, no yellow race and no white race. Racist need a “mind enema” to wash all the “color c**p” out of there head. There is really one race, the “human race” and the chance pigmentation of a persons skin does not make them less or more of a human being.
Racist, thugs, looters, criminals, cop haters, de Blasio, muslims, ojerko, moochella, and “race mongers” like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder are working hard at being “plugged into stupid”!!!
“To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
Can you blame them ?? And no matter what happens now, it will STILL be NYPD’s fault.
NYPD BLUE the best in the world-get rid of the Ghetto Mayor and Sharpton.
Moremso than not!
Love it!
I see it on the news. A girl from colorado was smoking on the street not bothering anyone and a cop tackled her threw her in jail for 24 hour with no medicine she almost died. Because of a ignorant cop. I heir that most cops back east are ignorant. Thats to bad. Less tourist, less money. I’m thankful that I live on the west coast. The police are not pricks out here. Out here they might take your weed and tell you to clean your pipe! It dank! Ha ha.
Who Stop you?
To prove truthiness of your religion or science you just have to agree with me even in your heart. You all people of the world Follow the Holy Quran, if you Don’t agree with me? Then if anyone of us will be found liar on The Day Of Judgment will Take other’s whole Nation’s sin, do you agree? You can be agree in your Heart either, Be brave now and agree in your Heart, Don’t Reply to me if you are not faithful to your religion or science even in your Heart, (Don’t relate Pseudo Muslims with Holy Quran)
And you show you’re a true idiot
That’s going to cost the City in Revenue from fines