After the execution of 2 police officers and a serious lack of support from mayor Bill de Blasio, NYPD has all but told New Yorkers that they can police themselves.
Traffic tickets and summonses for low-level offenses have dropped by staggering 94% and overall arrests by 66%.
Still, the sky has not fallen…
Benny says:
“Go out there and show us how its done George!! Easy sitting comfy in your home watching sports center. Guess you haven’t heard that total war has been declared on police by the black community huh? Its going on everywhere and the Obamas have been telling their media allies to not report it if they don’t have to. White citizens, couples, young kids stomped by roving black thugs. Now, if your a cop and no one is going to give you help, are you going to be very selective on who you pull over or question? You bet your a**e and your spouse would enforce it!!!!”
Benny says:
“FINALLY, a worthy post!!”
Benny says:
“I agree. But, what god? He have a name because as the bible says, for there are many gods and many lords, which is true because we have a thousand different religions even today professing to worship the almighty god. Who is yours?”
Benny says:
“Bring back the hard labor camps where inmates work sun up to sundown and are under constant supervision and NO communicating. Then see how fast the crime rate drops. Think about it! Why is a criminal a criminal? They don’t want to work!! They are more scared of work than violence, fellow thugs,beatings, stabbings. The labor camps enjoyed the highest non return ratios in penal history. But, won’t happen thanks to the ACLU as that would be racist. Their words, not mine.”
That is a Good point Brandon, and a good arguement for Gun Rights, The police need to protect themselves, so the people will need to protect themselves until they have enough sense to support the police, But in the mean time they will need guns. Let’s see how many Liberals can walk the walk about how bad guns are when it is the only thing keeping them alive
Thug asyluim!
Maybe he’s learning from the Brazilian government (Federal!), with 56,000 homicides per year here, the Red government has proposed disarming the police!!!
No one minds a crook or a real criminal being hauled off to jail, But many of us do mind being called criminals for selling a loose cigarette or any no victim crime, Those of you who have not experienced this phenomena yet, will before it is over, Just keep supporting hanging yourselves,
I support the NYPD, you guys and gals rock.