Religious tolerance is sweeping the government not just in the form of the Obama Administration’s endless divisive heckling, but also in the form of law enforcement uniform codes. It was announced this week that Sikh officers can now wear full turbans as part of the NYPD dress code. It was announced by NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill, while officers in navy blue turbans stood on each side of him. According to the National Sikh Officers Association there are about 160 Sikh officers in the NYPD with even more looking to join.
The Pentagon did something similar earlier in 2016 by approving a new policy that allowed troops to wear turbans and other religious clothing, as well as engage in religious holidays/observances. However, soldiers have to apply to wear these articles of clothing and engage in religious events. The NYPD doesn’t have that same policy. It’ll be interesting to see if this courtesy extends to just religions that wear turbans or will it extend to all religions. And they didn’t stop there.
Find out what else they’re doing on the next page.
See our traders are in office time to get the out
This is stupid, this is America, but of course it is NYC, and you did vote in Deblasso, who is probably the biggest$#%&!@*hole in the USA. And you dud vote for Hillary, two strikes, now towel heads on the police force m that’s strike three, New York you a bunch of sick people.
This gives the people a feel of inferiority to Islamic rule. It’s a p**s poor idea regardless of anyone’s feelings.
Will the females be forced into Burkhas???
Next, they will bring in elephants to replace squad cars.
B******t, don’t like the UNIFORM, get a different job! Do they even understand the meaning of uniform! Idiots
This tells you what kind of police force they have
Thats how stupid this mayor is. The rats try to change our nation and our way of life to pander to the muslims with their political correct BS!
That is b******t this is not there country them diapers should not be on any of there heads