Religious tolerance is sweeping the government not just in the form of the Obama Administration’s endless divisive heckling, but also in the form of law enforcement uniform codes. It was announced this week that Sikh officers can now wear full turbans as part of the NYPD dress code. It was announced by NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill, while officers in navy blue turbans stood on each side of him. According to the National Sikh Officers Association there are about 160 Sikh officers in the NYPD with even more looking to join.
The Pentagon did something similar earlier in 2016 by approving a new policy that allowed troops to wear turbans and other religious clothing, as well as engage in religious holidays/observances. However, soldiers have to apply to wear these articles of clothing and engage in religious events. The NYPD doesn’t have that same policy. It’ll be interesting to see if this courtesy extends to just religions that wear turbans or will it extend to all religions. And they didn’t stop there.
Find out what else they’re doing on the next page.
Asimulate or git. FJ
These people are a joke.
What the$#%&!@*that’s it no Bacon now this bulshit these people need to leave
BS! All members should be in the same uniform, no exceptions! They knew the requirements before applying! This is not a discussion about”bravery”! This is opening a can of worms!
Is it Halloween already?????
No respect for that$#%&!@*
Sikh’s are good Americans that love America! The police have several different head gear! This is just another one! You have the military-style service cap, the baseball-style cap, the helmet, the campaign (Smokey Bear) hat, and in some parts of the country, the cowboy hat!
If police are to wear the original uniform and never change it? Why aren’t they dressed like the original “bobbies” of England where modern police policies were created? How many changes have uniforms gone through over the years? Why not dress like cops did in the 50’s? Uniforms change and get modified all the time!
if you make exception for this group, you’ll have to make exceptions for very group, you could end up having a police officer in a full burka or some wicca practitioner in the wicked witch of the west get up patrolling the streets. Simple solution, keep the uniform code but allow people who dont want to wear the uniform work somewhere else.