The New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which is the NYPD’s union, stated that they are now a ‘wartime’ police dept. and ‘will act accordingly’ in a recent internal memo following the killing of 2 officers by alleged Black Guerrilla Family prison gang member, Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley.
The memo didn´t elaborate on what exactly they meant by ‘wartime’ or how they plan to ‘act accordingly’.
The NYPDis doing the right thing
New York is a lost cause I can’t imagine that place ever being under control now.
Exactly what they want. …everyone hate the police so the police in fear of their lives hate the people….division of authority split the people and turn them against each other. Fear your fellow man. God please help us…
They just keep giving themselves a bad rap!
Your right. Im sure this was all Cora graphed in some think tank…
Obama and Valerie J have accomplished one mire of their goals
In other words “REVENGE”
Seriously??? So the statistics are they went and killed innocents? Don’t break the law and there won’t be problems
Very scary and so true
Blacks, You may want to consider you don’t have the fire power of the NYPD!!