The New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which is the NYPD’s union, stated that they are now a ‘wartime’ police dept. and ‘will act accordingly’ in a recent internal memo following the killing of 2 officers by alleged Black Guerrilla Family prison gang member, Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley.
The memo didn´t elaborate on what exactly they meant by ‘wartime’ or how they plan to ‘act accordingly’.
couldnt agree more
This is media created and fueled violence driven by big business because the dollar is going to fail in the next year. We are being driven into one world currency. This is our elected officials bought and payed for by big business to control your income( Obama Care) bring in illegal armies under your radar yet in your face. Your headed for big business salary enslavement. The money has been horded by billion ares that are greedy to do this to economy. They know what they do it is all out destruction of our constitution and a direct assault on your homes. I have seen my rites dissolved just by a simple county court. Not in a criminal way but in a civil and constitutional way. My home was felony invaded and I tried to have the guilty party arrested I had a signed affidavit by them claiming being in my home with stranger. My rites were kicked under bus. The walked away free and failed there drug test from there divorce. We, I am the grandparents and haven’t seen our grandson since. His other Grandparents are involved in Harley Gang. So my grandson will never know us after they violated our rites. I have sent all this information to Washington in care of Obama. They called me on the phone a rep, I am very pissed off about this incident and want it in court tomorrow I can’t afford attorney. I also have a wife that the Palmetto Baptist Hospital In Columbia South Carolina almost killed my wire. The gov. directed disability doctor said by his short observation that he saw 2 law suites against this hospital and I can’t find a attorney that has a brain. Again I brought this to the gov. I have yet to hear any thing. I need a attorney that can handle a malpractice suite, and one that can handle a civil suite. Also one to file suite against federal gov. with all the other Americans save our oil dollar before we fall and get our rites back.
Stfu up billy that hard hat is probably used as your special helmet haha retard well takes one to know one
Many more killings on the way if they do this .
No mater what you think, gov. is good, or gov. is bad. You have to give these people credit for being very very smart. I think that this stuff doesn’t just happen. I think it is planned, directed and executed to the final outcome wanted and intended by some very smart people. They are not concerned for your safety or my safety or the safety of the Police. They want more power and control over the masses. They build little “brush fires” of unrest at some level and like moths in the night, people (the masses) just go from one burning bush to the next. In the end it leads to what ever the wants of those very smart people are. Who do you suppose these people are? And what will they have us doing next!
“Wartime lice” = Martial Law
The government has become lethal to America we must prepare and act accordingly to ensure victory
They’d better!
sorry to tell him we don’t need that kind of c**p here in the US too much government means too little freedom and we are tired of Liberals thinking they can do as they please but we have a choice and we choose not to let them get away with that