The New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which is the NYPD’s union, stated that they are now a ‘wartime’ police dept. and ‘will act accordingly’ in a recent internal memo following the killing of 2 officers by alleged Black Guerrilla Family prison gang member, Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley.
The memo didn´t elaborate on what exactly they meant by ‘wartime’ or how they plan to ‘act accordingly’.
dont think i would start a war i was sure to lose
Any and all those chanting for the death of police should be considered terrorist and dealt with accordingly …
What a good example you are setting. Not. People have been bullied be shot by cops for years and there has been several innocent people I’m not saying it’s okay I’m saying is time to stop. God help America because were going to hell in a handbasket
Do y’all job go after the thugs!!’nn
Everyone needs to stop fighting. How much blood will it take? We only have one planet. #nomorefighting
Absolutely agree
You asking for trouble from the ppl to many real killers on the bad side. The will prevail and act even more hostile. Approach with caution police and remember it’s innocent out here