The New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which is the NYPD’s union, stated that they are now a ‘wartime’ police dept. and ‘will act accordingly’ in a recent internal memo following the killing of 2 officers by alleged Black Guerrilla Family prison gang member, Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley.
The memo didn´t elaborate on what exactly they meant by ‘wartime’ or how they plan to ‘act accordingly’.
One down and 49 to go.
My heart goes out the families of the fallen officers…God Bless and your in my prayers
Fbi should start focusing more on anarchy groups like anonymous! !
And the government wants my guns. They must be some kinda stupid
It think every police departme. Shoul go on strike. Then the peasants(?????) will have the power. What a nut case position that the pretend intelligencia have.
Martial law coming, just what this admin has planned with the constant race baiting the last 6 years…people are ignorant of his intentions.
I’ve never been to NY City or even the state. I certainly never will now.
Thats what happens when people openly condone the murder of police officers. Like you idiots expected anything less?
YOU MEAN REVOLUTION, martial law will cause me to fight and resist and therefore revolutionwill begine
Breakfast of Champions