The New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which is the NYPD’s union, stated that they are now a ‘wartime’ police dept. and ‘will act accordingly’ in a recent internal memo following the killing of 2 officers by alleged Black Guerrilla Family prison gang member, Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley.
The memo didn´t elaborate on what exactly they meant by ‘wartime’ or how they plan to ‘act accordingly’.
Are they out of their MINDS???! They are in people’s NEIGHBORHOODS and COMMUNITIES… They aren’t in a WAR ZONE.
This country is playing right into Buckwheats hands and nobody sees it. Next,,,,,, Marshall Law will be declared. You watch!
USA Consumed with Hatred for Non-Whitey
ISLAMIST EXTREMISM is the OBVIOUS PROBLEM, thanks to CAIR and the Sicko agenda
Watch out for those new world order punks. The HOLY fire of HELL is about to land on their head.
we will declare war right back
a racist commnist black ape has been out in charge of usa by Chicago thugs!
This is the last thing you need to do!
Wartime , means they dont care if we know were the enemy…