The city council of New York City is planning to dilute a host of criminal laws, including a law against public urination because the council feels that too many minorities are being arrested under the law. The New York City police department has already relaxed its enforcement of these laws, leading to a resurgence of such crimes.
New York City officials have not made any announcements for the installation of public urinals or convenient bushes at strategic locations. The quality of public life has already suffered under the NYPD’s relaxed attitude, but the revocation of these laws all but guarantees a drop in public safety and health.
The city council justified its decision by citing systemic racism in the city’s penal codes. Luckily the NYPD retains the right to arrest offenders, who will be issued summons to court where they will pay a fine. If the fine cannot be paid the offender will instead perform community service.
Read more on page 2.
I saw them peeing on the sidewalks back in 1958, is that what Cruz meant about, you know, how New Yorkers are. NY really must stink by now.
I think it is sexist!
NYC is already a cesspool. Now they’re going public.
Disease will spread.
Here comes the infection diseases that will spread like wild fire
Something you would expect from a cesspool.
its unhealthy,what is their dept of health doing. ? DONT GO TO NEW YORK , U WILL GET SICK IN NO TIME.
Thats New York values for ya
must be some real slobs in thsat part of the country.
I read another article about this a few days ago and New York City Police Department says that they have over 1200 warrants on the books for this type of thing and it is just too hard to keep up with all the warrants and to keep having to write them so it is just easier to say that that ban has been lifted for these things because they are getting too many warrants and they don’t want to have to enforce them or take the time to serve these warrants. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of and I can honestly say I am so totally glad that I do not live in New York.