New York City’s city council says laws against public urination are racist.
New York City’s city council is set to dilute a host of criminal laws including laws against public urination and excessive noise because council members believe too many members of minorities are getting arrested.
The New York Police Department already relaxed its enforcement of many quality-of-life laws after years of enforcing exactly such laws led to record lows of crime in the once-much-grittier city, reports The New York Times,
This relaxation strategy wasn’t enough for city lawmakers.
“We know that the system has been really rigged against communities of color in particular,” council member Melissa Mark-Viverito, a Democrat, told the Times. “So the question has always been, what can we do in this job to minimize unnecessary interaction with the criminal justice system, so that these young people can really fulfill their potential?”
If passed, the new laws would encourage police not to arrest sidewalk tinklers and violators of the other laws. Instead, cops would usually give out civil summonses. Recipients would then be ordered to appear in a court managed by New York City’s Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings.
First-time offender fines would range from $25 to $250. People too poor to pay could instead perform community service.
Police would still retain the option of actually arresting offenders.
The police department has insisted on the option to arrest. Without it, they warn, keeping law and order will be much harder.Source: Daily Caller
While the sentiment of reducing or eradicating racist laws is noble, the general effect of these laws will no doubt conclude in a rise in public health issues. People should be discouraged from public urination for the tangible health benefits that come with clean and clear highways and sidewalks. It remains to be seen what the consequences of this will be, but one thing is for sure: these laws stink!
How about decency and flashing ones self! Typical liberal cesspool!
Well if the animals want to act like they’re stupid animals and live life in a$#%&!@*hole racism should not matter
o no! mind you its illegal in our country and not enforced. stinks to high heaven
Putin said, “Obama is turning the US into a sewer”! Case in point!
This is what libtard incompetence gets you…
NYC’S leaders are a bad joke.