If you see Caitlyn Jenner or any transgender walking down the streets of NYC, best be careful with your pronouns!
Do you remember the days when freedom of speech was an amendment that Americans valued greatly? People were allowed to think what they want and say what they will, regardless of whether or not it offended certain parties or people.
It would seem now that pendulum only swings one way. While liberals are allowed to make their anti-American speeches and tell us what is and isn’t offensive, the rest of us have no choice but to sit there and swallow it.
That is, unless we want to pay the fine like the one being put into law in New York City.
Read more about this on the next page.
If you look like a dude in a dress I’m calling you a dude
So does that mean that all guys who have long hair and are called girls can now be fined. This is the stupidest thing Iv ever heard of.
I’d take it to court and have the “victim” show in court if they have a hoo haw of a ding a ling! LOL
Actually that was Burger King’s motto. But really, people need to get a life.
Based on what?! Liberals love to make up the rules as they go.
If this is indeed true…………then stupid is as stupid does NYC. If it looks like a man, then “he” will be addressed as one. Likewise for the female gender. If you want to change what you are……then live with it. Actions have consequences.
Thank you for reminding me I love Burger King.
NYC is a joke within its own actions.
Bull to new york and their meyer
Is the term “Whatchamacallit” okay to use??