The IRS is now seizing perfectly legal bank accounts and simply keeping the money, no crime ever charged.
They are doing this under a practice called civil asset forfeiture, which permits IRS agents to seize property they only suspect of being tied to some crime. No charges need ever be filed and the IRS is allowed to keep a share of whatever is taken.
One of the founding fathers once stated that banks were a greater threat to freedom than a standing army. Boy! Was he spot on or what?
Why because the people are white? Tea Party? Republicans? Sharpton owes 4.8 million.
Obama at work screwing the people !!!!
Imagine that, who would of thunk it possible.
Legalized crime under Obama hes the biggest mafia boss ever to come out of Chicago
It’s happening.
Lots of people are awake , they just dont know what to do.
Don’t have one so HA
They can not do this, the IRS is the rich peoples lap dog, like the treasury, this country will have a civil war coming soon…the writing is on the walls…
with time comes all answers