The IRS is now seizing perfectly legal bank accounts and simply keeping the money, no crime ever charged.
They are doing this under a practice called civil asset forfeiture, which permits IRS agents to seize property they only suspect of being tied to some crime. No charges need ever be filed and the IRS is allowed to keep a share of whatever is taken.
The IRS was never ratified by the states. This is illegal, this criminal mafia needs cut off at the head, file exempt and quit feeding them. Pull your money from the banks and don’t use them.
They have been for years, pay attention.
This is true !!
Mace Porter here ya go. Watch the video on pg. 2
federal reserves and IRS and golden sachs many more government ran corrupted thief’s need removed .
So guilty until proved innocent now, eh?
If you don’t think this can happen think again…
Oh hell No!!!!!!
Najum Jacobsel
They have been doing this for many years.. The only reason they haven’t been noticed until now is that there is not a whole lot of public outcry.. Unless the public stops thinking like slaves and starts thinking like individuals, this sort of theft will continue