The IRS is now seizing perfectly legal bank accounts and simply keeping the money, no crime ever charged.
They are doing this under a practice called civil asset forfeiture, which permits IRS agents to seize property they only suspect of being tied to some crime. No charges need ever be filed and the IRS is allowed to keep a share of whatever is taken.
READ the entire article, boneheads….
No, they go after the people who need all their money just to survive. They clean out their entire account and when those poor people complain they say, sorry that you owe the money. Too bad for you. Live on air til we get ours. We need it more.
IRS is corrupt to the last dime. Needs to be abolished. TODAY would be nice.
So that’s why people shoot up movie theaters.
Obama needs money to give to his Muslim friends.
They must not realize the f**e gold is worthless yet…within a few months they will then what?
This has been happening for years.. I have been telling people… Nobody wants to know the truth or do anything about it… Mindless sheep that just keep on voting for liberals…
Gee last time I checked they were an agency working for the federal government and not a part of the federal government its self?
America was never meant to be a “democracy”. It was meant to be a cons$#%&!@*utional republic
No money in the bank… no money to be taken.