The IRS is now seizing perfectly legal bank accounts and simply keeping the money, no crime ever charged.
They are doing this under a practice called civil asset forfeiture, which permits IRS agents to seize property they only suspect of being tied to some crime. No charges need ever be filed and the IRS is allowed to keep a share of whatever is taken.
Yes I’ve seen it and those responsible for her demise are WE THE PEOPLE!
Thanks for outing the IRS. This is tyranny.
Hang them all, and Obama and his staff and the whole Democratic Socialist Party!
If they empty my account, I will just start taking what I need
Democracy leads to Socialism and Socialism leads to Communism !!!
Abolish the corrupt and tyrant IRS agency..
Abolish them now!
Haven’t used a bank in years. And this is the reason why.
This is so wrong and greedy
Time to abolish the IRS