The IRS is now seizing perfectly legal bank accounts and simply keeping the money, no crime ever charged.
They are doing this under a practice called civil asset forfeiture, which permits IRS agents to seize property they only suspect of being tied to some crime. No charges need ever be filed and the IRS is allowed to keep a share of whatever is taken.
Obama needs more money to give to illegal aliens.
Get rid of the IRS. The are nothing but thiefs!
Sure Hope They Go After The People Not Smart Enough To See Through Obamas Lies First !!!! THEY VOTED HIM IN SO HE COULD DO STUPID THINGS LIKE HE DOES !!!!!
its called state redistribution
Fire the IRS !!! Put THEM IN JAIL !!!
Time to revert back to the old mattress method .
this is why you don’t keep money in banks ,remember you are suppose to keep your money from thief’s …….??
This is not new!!!
You’re right, Mickey, but I still don’t understand the “FairTax” thing. Another thing I think we ought to have say in is what our taxes are spent on. I don’t think our so called representatives should give themselves a raise and give the shaft to our veterans.
Okay. I needed to read a little more. Sorry.