The IRS is now seizing perfectly legal bank accounts and simply keeping the money, no crime ever charged.
They are doing this under a practice called civil asset forfeiture, which permits IRS agents to seize property they only suspect of being tied to some crime. No charges need ever be filed and the IRS is allowed to keep a share of whatever is taken.
Makes you wonder if it would get to a point where people move back to the days that they keep their money at home stuffed in the mattress?
The main problem is how to get everyone to join together and try to stop what is in motion now..
Still they want YOUR money as well
Yep, mine was seized last month. Held my mail up for a month too!
Sure there is.Stop using banks.Local credit unions are the only financial ins$#%&!@*utions looking out for you,and sometimes you wonder about them.Keep your bank accounts low and use a fireproof safe at home.
There is truly NO NEED for the government to have ANY information about us! We should NOT report to them… au con traire, mais ami… they need to report to us! The only GUARANTEED Government intrusion into our personal lives is the IRS! Our country was not founded for this but for true FREEDOM! Close the IRS! The IRS is a foreign corporation collecting money for the Federal Reserve, ANOTHER Foreign Corporation! They are abusive, crooked, grossly mismanaged, sent over 4.3 Billion of our tax dollars in fraudulent refunds per year to illegal aliens alone and cost a whopping 13.3 Billion dollars to do it! We don’t need them! If we ins$#%&!@*ute a “flat rate” sales tax we can cover our Federal “Legitimate” Expenses much more efficiently! The point of sale merchant then makes weekly deposits to our Treasury. We don’t have to keep endless receipts, have the Fed’s checking our books constantly and life is simpler and better! This is ridiculous! We have a right, Endowed by our Creator, to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Once this illegal Foreign Corporation, the IRS are closed, we can do a thorough investigation of who did what and Arrest and Prosecute ALL GUILTY PARTIES! We must fight, be brave, against ALL evil! Never run nor even lag behind! If we would win for God and the Right just keep on the firing line!
Once this illegal Foreign Corporation, the IRS are closed, we can do a thorough investigation of who did what and Arrest and Prosecute ALL GUILTY PARTIES!
Why? Who gave them the right?
At least it would give better back support.
Didn’t we do this before?