Score one for patriots!
After a federal judged ruled in December that the seven-round magazine limit provision in the New York SAFE Act was “tenuous, straitened, and unsupported” – and therefore unconstitutional – New York State Police updated their guide on the SAFE Act, urging officers not to enforce the law on magazine limits.
Video: One NY politician, Bill Nojay (R), is trying to get the entire act repealed.
Following a federal judge’s ruling in December that the seven-round magazine limit imposed under the New York SAFE Act was “tenuous, straitened, and unsupported” and therefore unconstitutional, state police have updated their filed guide on the controversial law to urge officers not to enforce the arbitrary magazine limit.
The announcement on the revisions to the New York State Police NY SAFE Act Guide was made on Wednesday and came via the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.
“The New York State Police have followed the same sensible path taken by the New York Sheriffs’ Association and many local law-enforcement agencies in not enforcing a capricious, ill-conceived and unconstitutional portion of the NY SAFE Act,” stated NYSRPA President Thomas King in a press release.
“To date, NYSRPA has spent over $500,000 in litigation and we are prepared to fight the NY SAFE Act all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where we are confident that many provisions of the law will ultimately be overturned,” he continued.
As noted in previous articles, the SAFE Act implemented a number of controversial measures that restrict gun owners; among them, it strengthened the state’s ban on ‘assault weapons’ by broadening the definition (changing the criteria from two cosmetic features, e.g. barrel shroud and a pistol grip, down to just one, e.g. a barrel shroud) and required registration of all the newly defined ‘assault weapons.’
Gun owners must register their ‘assault weapons’ by April 15. If they fail to register them, they must destroy them, turn them over to state police or sell them out of state by the deadline or else run the risk of being in violation of the law.
Additionally, the NY SAFE Act placed a retroactive ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and does not permit gun owners to load more than seven rounds in those 10-round magazines. There is no grandfather clause for magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, gun owners had to either sell them out of state, destroy them or turn them over to state police by Jan. 15, 2014.
NATO, the EU, and the United States are the bad guys in Africa, the Middle East, and in the Ukraine. End the stupid War on Terror and quit pouring trillions of dollars into a War murdering innocent civilians in Africa and the Middle East. Obama’s War on Terror is giving the Terrorists of Africa and the Middle East the Media Attention, hate, death, and destruction they want and the United States tax payer gets to pay for it. The violence in the Ukraine, like the violence in Syria, and the violence in nations in Africa is funded inside the United States from groups like the National Endowment for Democracy and guys like George Soros. The sanctions against Russia were wrong and stupid. NATO, the UK, and the United States involvement there is wrong and stupid. The Russians are the only good guys there. The people of Crimea wanted protection from the Terrorists and the violence funded from inside the United States. No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama.
“Score one for the Patriots”,……. and MANY MORE WILL BE COMING ! ! !
New York is a messed up as nearly as much as detroit.
Got Balls..
$#%&!@*ers don’t want to do real battle, do they …
A sane judge who hadn’t sold out-God bless.
Good for them, it is all BS from Cuomo who thinks he knows everything!
Goog for State Police. This is the right thing to do.