NY politician Victor Tabone claimed he was too drunk to recognize that the briefcase filled with $20,000 he accepted in the back of an SUV was a bribe. He stated that the 6 or 7 vodka tonics he had at dinner made him think that the bribe was actually a contract to hire him as a political consultant.
As part of an undercover FBI sting operation, Tabone was one of 3 other politicians caught in the bribery scheme.
So can bank employees go to work drunk withdrawal from customers accounts and say I was too drunk to know it wasn’t my account ?? NO bull sh*t
Sounds like he is senate material.
Need a house cleaning?
liberal he is criminal? i think so!!
Imagine that! Maybe he was too drunk to realize that people really are fooling him into thinking that NY wants him as a politician…silly boy!
Is he still drunk?
anyone that takes money should be in jail for the rest of their lives….
Well, the judge with your conviction will sober you up !!!!