NY politician Victor Tabone claimed he was too drunk to recognize that the briefcase filled with $20,000 he accepted in the back of an SUV was a bribe. He stated that the 6 or 7 vodka tonics he had at dinner made him think that the bribe was actually a contract to hire him as a political consultant.
As part of an undercover FBI sting operation, Tabone was one of 3 other politicians caught in the bribery scheme.
Possession is nine tens of the law
That’s all politicians
Hang em all
I know this idiot. He always thought of himself as better and smarter than the next guy. He was a flunky and always corrupt, morally, spiritually and ethically. Anyone willing to sellout the sacrifices made by real men (not like tabone)’to ensure that we get to vote in this country should go to jail. He is immoral and corrupt. Useless and weak. His persona is that of a wannabe mafia type, hence the Sparks SteakHouse meeting. You will never be a man Vinny regardless of your age, just a hack sellout.
Throw the BUM out!!!
If that isn’t a crock of bull
Yeah yeah. He was too drunk blah blah blah
more proof that the definition of a politician is CROOK
So sick of corruption. ..