NY politician Victor Tabone claimed he was too drunk to recognize that the briefcase filled with $20,000 he accepted in the back of an SUV was a bribe. He stated that the 6 or 7 vodka tonics he had at dinner made him think that the bribe was actually a contract to hire him as a political consultant.
As part of an undercover FBI sting operation, Tabone was one of 3 other politicians caught in the bribery scheme.
Uh-huh! Sure! Do you really think we’re that stupid?
he expects us to believe it —lol
Lol i am sure Obama takes a lot of Bribes to but cause he is above the law he gets away with everything shame on American for letting this C**p happen so how many other Politicians are in on it All of them time to Vote these Idiots out in November enough is enough the Politicians should be working for Free anyway they get all kinds of kick back that line there pockets in the first place so why pay them big money just to send our money over seas To China Japan need i go on all our Jobs are going there anyway so i am sure one day when America is brought to her Knees by Obama then we will finely wake up MAYBE !
democratic liberal bastard
Ya and we’re all STUPID!! U IDIOT!!!
Yea yea yea, I believe you, uhugh.
Lib tard
yea right!
maybe you shouldnt drink
HahAhhH, ya was he getting in the car to drive too???