New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature.
The government isn’t only destroying our country, they want to know who’s aware that they are doing so. The government wants sheeple, so anyone aware enough to be preparing for the chaos about to ensue at their hands will be re-educated at some later point.
Just one more reason why I firmly believe DHS should be Defunded, 100% of its “Directors” arrested for Treason and the Organization Removed as it serves NO ACTUAL PURPOSE!
Sounds a little “NAZI” to me ??
Not just Jewish people all white people didn’t you know it illegal to be white in America now!!!!!!!!!!!
Ba ba ba bull$#%&!@*
How reminiscent of Hitlers youth programs where minors were rewarded for turning in their parents to the Nazis for anti government speech. There are many parallels between Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama and those that supported these two maniacs
scum bags
That is a big step toward the Obama way of thinking and Communism.
obama and his administration need to be tried for treason and his anti-American supporters deported!
if u need money that bad then do what u have to but remember god is watching