New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature.
The government isn’t only destroying our country, they want to know who’s aware that they are doing so. The government wants sheeple, so anyone aware enough to be preparing for the chaos about to ensue at their hands will be re-educated at some later point.
Are they going to pay for the rat bastards funeral as well……
Lien on all your property including your birth record record and ss card…
My profile has more info….
Very interesting stuff…. Thanks for asking
Those that FAIL to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it ……..$#%&!@*Germany …. Look it up
She looks like regressive liberal sociopath feminist
Snitches get stitches
Snitches lye in ditches!
Brian is in for a rude awakening. 🙁
Right,its all for our protection…
NY is full of rats starting with the government.
Legal goods? What’s is that?